Rachel Giesel, The Dream Child, is a seventeen year old girl attempting to discover her identity and rightful place in this universe.
She loves to use a pen as a magic wand to spark spells onto a page. She adores getting lost in fantastical worlds that words can whisk her away to. She finds comfort in restoring her physical and emotional peace through the practice of yoga. She is addicted to Diet Coke and Vanilla Hazelnut coffee. She is growing up, but retaining the magic she craves.
She is an aspiring author and a dedicated writer. She plans to pursue these passions in her college major in the fall of 2011 as well as into her future career.
She loves to use a pen as a magic wand to spark spells onto a page. She adores getting lost in fantastical worlds that words can whisk her away to. She finds comfort in restoring her physical and emotional peace through the practice of yoga. She is addicted to Diet Coke and Vanilla Hazelnut coffee. She is growing up, but retaining the magic she craves.
She is an aspiring author and a dedicated writer. She plans to pursue these passions in her college major in the fall of 2011 as well as into her future career.
The name of The Dream Child was inspired by Lewis Carroll's poem All in a Golden Afternoon where innocence, imagination, inspiration, intuition and identity are traits necessary for magic.
Questions or comments are welcome at any time. Please email rachelgiesel@hotmail.com .
Questions or comments are welcome at any time. Please email rachelgiesel@hotmail.com .